Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University "Musical Computer Technologies" Laboratory
Contemporary Musical Education - 2018
17th International Research and Practical Conference
file format Microsoft Word 97-2003 document (.doc) or (.docx)
page size A4
margins 2 cm all around (top, right, bottom, left)
spacing 1.5, throughout the document
font Times New Roman, 14 point
length no more than 7 pages
abstract should not exceed 250 words
keywords no more than four, separated by commas.
References announced http://CME18/
Conference languages: Russian, English
Submission categories
1. Spoken Papers (15 minutes)
On-line presentations are possible. The time of the session will be announced http://CME18/
2. Posters
The author's presence is not required
Important Dates
Deadline for proposals: 25 October 2018
Deadline for submissions: 1 November 2018
Authors notified: 15 November 2018
Notification of proposal acceptance: ???
Notification of submission acceptance: ???
Notification of Paper acceptance: ???
Conference: 5–7 December 2018